If you're taking the Food Protection Manager and ANAB-CFP Accredited Certification Exam for the first time or want to refresh your knowledge of food safety best practices, this is the ideal package for you. You get access to our 8-hour training course that reviews the food safety principles you need to know to pass the exam, as well as prevent foodborne illnesses. Plus, some states require that you complete a training course in addition to the exam. To pass the exam, you must score at least 75%. Then, you can print your official food protection manager certification. You can take the exam from home using one of our online proctors.
With our training course, it’s easy to earn your food handler card, meet state and employer requirements—and get to work fast. You get an overview of food safety issues, regulations, and techniques that will ensure you know how to maintain a safe environment. The course also teaches you the proper procedures for handling food so that you can reduce the risk of foodborne illness. Once you complete the lessons and pass the final exam with a score of at least 72%, you will earn your certificate of completion. You can use your certificate to show proof that you’ve completed a food safety training course.
This course teaches you everything you need to responsibly sell and serve alcohol. Additionally, you’ll learn how to protect yourself and your employer from liability. Our off-premises alcohol seller training covers a variety of topics, including blood alcohol concentration (BAC), when to refuse service to customers, best practices for dealing with intoxicated patrons, and much more. To pass the course, you must score at least 70% on the final exam. Once you’re finished, you can print your certificate of completion right away!
Workforce training can be a headache for any Food and Beverage business. High turnover rates make ongoing training inevitable, and failing to stay compliant with regulations can cost your company. That’s why it's critical to have an efficient training program like ours to protect your organization from risk and liability.